<attention>Replenishment of the iTunes Store, iBooks Store or App Store with gift electronic certificates Gift Electronic certificate of App Store & iTunes for 500 rubles (RUR) ₽. Redeem for Russian Account </attention> <attention>When paying, choose rubles, even if you are going to pay in foreign currency/cryptocurrency, let the payment systems themselves calculate the rate at the last step - theirs is lower. Acceptance of payments via SBP using the P2P method is available in the payment services LAVA, KASSA and separately at the end of the list, which one works needs to be checked at a particular moment.</attention> <delivery>1. The cardholder needs to go to the iTunes Store, iBooks Store or App Store on his device, and at the end of the "Selection" section, click "Enter code". In the App Store on the phone "Redeem gift card or code" 2. Next, you need to log in by specifying the Apple ID and then enter the character code indicated on the card in a special field. 3. With the funds available in the gift card account, you can buy music, movies, TV shows, programs, books, audiobooks, Apple Music subscriptions, iCloud storage space and much more. The card is valid only in the Russian Federation for purchases in Apple multimedia services. Activation is possible only if you have an Apple ID after accepting the terms of use and license agreement. The card is not subject to exchange for monetary equivalent, resale and shipment outside the Russian Federation </delivery> <delivery>Do not try to buy for accounts of other countries. The AppStore will definitely not accept a card from another region, only to a Russian account in rubles. And there will be no return/exchange, you can only create a Russian account and credit it to it or donate/sell </delivery>
Learn more about redeem gift cards to your account iTunes Store, iBooks Store or App Storet: https://support.apple.com/en-euro/HT201209