<delivery><attention> 🎮If you need to create a PSN account with your details, you can buy one here --> https://plati.ru/itm/4024849 ✅To pay without fees, select "Card" or "Quick Payment System" (it is selected by default) ✅FULL ACCESS. ✅TURKEY PSN ACCOUNT. ✅This account was registered personally by the seller. ✅After purchasing this item you will be the first owner! </attention><attention>✅The account will have a foreign .com email account ✅Data from the account you get instantly after purchase! ✅The data from the account will be in the form of: ✅ mail and mail password ✅username and password from psn account. ✅After purchase you can change all data and connect 2FA</attention><attention>🎮GAME BUYING, PLAY --> https://plati.ru/itm/3975926</attention><attention>🎮PS PLUS, EA PLAY --> https://plati.ru/itm/3990245</attention></delivery>
<attention>🎁If you leave a positive review, you will be given a bonus after purchase.</attention><attention>Also, in case of any problems with the account, we can make an account replacement. We do not make refunds.</attention>