<attention> 📞By purchasing this product, you receive an American Apple ID for individual use (only you use the account) 🌏Can be used in any country without restrictions*** ✍After purchasing the product, you can immediately** change your email to your personal one, as well as your password, so as not to worry about the use of personal data ✍After purchasing the product, you receive: Account data, date of birth, security questions Instructions for using your account Warranty* for the product * - the guarantee for the product is provided until the data is changed to yours, until you change the data yourself, the guarantee will be ** - since the account becomes yours, you have every right to change the Email and Passwords to yours (this is described in the instructions), but after you do this, your guarantee will be completed ***More details about restrictions in additional information </attention>
<attention> 📵Attention! The account is not able to work with iCloud (authorization directly through the device settings), but is perfect for using the AppStore (perfectly synchronizes with the settings after logging in), as well as iTunes, etc. 📵The product warranty is not provided if: ✍You violated Apple rules after prioritizing your account ✍After changing the data to yours (when full access with the new email (linked to you) is transferred to you) Please, if you do not agree with these rules, do not purchase the product. You can ask all questions in private messages </attention>